1 That family needs and problems will not distract YD from following Jesus wholly.
2 SD and his family as they work to bring the gospel to the MNK’s.
3 DS will grow and mature in his walk with the Lord.
4 Anj will continue to learn about Jesus and follow him fully.
5 Those seeking to know God will hear from Him through the radio program, Sila Tilindingo, ST.
6 That the birth of a new baby will cause FC and NS to seek the message of truth that they have heard.
7 PJ as she suffers persecution and the possible loss of her children for following Christ.
8 Pray for those who have made professions of faith but have fallen away (SS, MK, SB and NF)
9 MS will stay strong, bold and healthy as he leads other MNK believers.
10 The messages that DD has heard thru the years will finally cause him to turn to Christ.
11 IC of Dkr will continue to seek Jesus.
12 Families will gather to listen to the radio program and believe as a group.
13 MS will turn from Is*am and follow Christ.
14 KF will return to his faith and lead his family in following Jesus.
15 Dj will be open to hearing the message of Truth.
16 KC and MB will remain strong in their faith and be a witness to their family and friends.
17 The leaders of B will be open to gospel message.
18 That the MNK Bible will be ready for distribution quickly!
19 Open hearts to receive the ST as it is broadcasted this evening.
20 BD will continue to seek the truth she has heard.
21 HK will seek healing for her soul as she works to help others with physical healing.
22 The mosque in MS will be turned into a place to worship the true God.
23 MyS and JS will continue to grow in their faith, that one day they can take it to the MNK’s in SED.
24 z’d/The people of S will thirst for the truth.
25 Merry Christmas! Believers will rejoice in the birth of our Savior and draw others to Him thru their actions today.
26 The radio program will be heard and understood as truth.
27 MG will be a light and encouragement to other believers.
28 KD will follow Jesus and take the message to DS.
29 Seekers in SED will find the truth this month.
30 AlM will be a bold witness for the Truth!
312God will begin to soften hearts in BB so they will eagerly receive the message the team will give next month