Dear Prayer Partners,
And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, "See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized (Acts 8:36, ESV)?"
Greetings from Senegal! We hope and pray that you are having a good summer. We are having a good summer in Dakar. We had the privilege of walking alongside a young man who recently made a profession of faith. He was baptized this week. He was initially introduced to the Gospel by another worker in our company, but this young man’s first language is Mandinka, so the coworker introduced him to Richard. He and Richard study several times a week together. Several Sundays ago he made a profession of faith, then he told Richard that he wanted to be baptized. Please pray that this young man will continue grow in his relationship with Christ. Pray that he will be strong in his faith when persecution and temptation come.
This leads us to one of our great needs and that is discipleship. Richard and the team from Hunter Street have been talking for a long time about leadership/discipleship training. They are working to put a team together to do some discipleship training this fall ,and then go to the Sedhiou area and put some of the teaching into practice. This will function as a fellowship time as well as training. We are so grateful to the church family at Hunter Street putting their faith into action. Please pray for those at Hunter Street who will be putting the training materials together. Please pray for the Mandinka believers in Senegal, The Gambia, and Guinea Bissau. Pray that they will choose to go to the training, and that it will be a sweet time of fellowship and of yielding to the Holy Spirit.
Later this month will begin the time of fasting for Muslims. It is called Ramadan. During Ramadan one is not to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. Smoking is not permitted during these hours as well. The ironic thing is that people spend more money during this month than other months, because of the special way that they break their fast. This is something that the “community” participates. If you are not participating one is often made to feel inferior. This is a stressful time for believers. Please be in prayer especially for new believers and those who are somewhat isolated.
Thank you for praying for the Mandinka team. The Dickinson family is doing well. They are working hard in French class. They are so ready to share their hope with people that they meet. Please pray for them as they continue to work on the language skills and the Holy Spirit continues to mold them for this task. Our family is getting ready for another transition. Patrick and I (Fran) will be heading to the states soon. Patrick will be a freshman at Liberty University. Please pray for him as he makes this transition. Please pray for him to keep Christ in the center of all that he does. Please pray for Richard and me as we go through this transition as well.
We pray that you have a Happy and Safe Fourth of July!!!
Your sister in Christ, Fran
1 MNK believers who feel isolated from their societies because of their stance for Christ.
2 MK, a baptized believer who struggles with his faith, will call on the Lord.
3 AdM, DD’s friend, will realize he is in bondage with Is.
4 Many will choose freedom in Christ through the radio program, Sila Tilindingo, ST.
5 Ndj chief of Djd, who had a successful cataract surgery, will call out to the Lord.
6 FC, will realize that Christ is truly the only answer to all of life’s difficulties.
7 KJ, young MNK in DK, will seek the Lord to be set free from sin and Is.
8 SD and his family as they continue to strive to live in SED and witness for Christ.
9 KC to endure the hardships in her compound and be a light to her family.
10 AnJ, who was recently baptized, that he will trust Christ in all situations.
11 Many will choose to listen to the radio broadcast of the Sila Tilindingo, ST.
12 YD, a believer in Dakar, will be seek to share his faith with others.
13 DS, a believer in Dakar, will be strengthened through the trials that he has endured.
14 MNK believers to yearn for an opportunity to study God’s Word corporately.
15 Strengthen the MNK believers young & old as Ramadan approaches.
16 Imam ADr from MK will realize the fasting month is futile.
17 YM, chief of MK, will turn from Is and seek to worship in spirit and in truth.
18 The radio broadcast of ST, will reach the ears and hearts of many MNK.
19 FS, assistant mayor of MS, will realize man’s attempt to please a Holy God is hopeless.
20 HK, from clinic in MS, will grasp the emptiness of the fast of Is.
21 KaF chief of DjT, will realize his fast is in vain.
22 IS and his family to remember God’s love and mercy especially during Ramadan.
23 IF& AK, couple in SED will understand that fasting does not bring forgiveness.
24 DD will understand that Jesus has paid the price for his sins and believe.
25 Open hearts to receive the ST as it is broadcasted this evening.
26 MS, MyS and JS’s dad, will read the Gospel of John and discover the Son.
27 VT, AB, & NT, men who professed Christ in Jan. will daily be reminded of God’s love.
28 AS, hospital worker, will seek to know more of God’s great love.
29 MNK believers will trust in the Lord, not earthly things.
30 YT, a seeker from S, will examine his beliefs and turn to the Living God.
31 SC a neighbor will trust in Christ, not her “good” works for salvation.
Prayer Verses for July:
July 01-07: Out of my distress I called on the LORD; the LORD answered me and set me free (Psalms 118:5, ESV)
July 08-14: Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus (2Timothy 2:3, ESV).
July 15-21: 'Why have we fasted, and you see it not? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you take no knowledge of it?' Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers (Isaiah 58:3, ESV).
July 22-28: In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins (1John 4:10, ESV).
July 29-31: Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God (Psalms 20:7, ESV).