1 The people of SED will seek Jesus in this new year.
2 That the true message of salvation will go out through the radio program, Sila Tilindingo, ST.
3 The MNK Bible will be completed quickly and ready to distribute!
4 IF and AK will realize the ways of IsM will not bring peace.
5 VDj will seek Jesus!
6 That God will hold up AN and strengthen her as she follows Jesus.
7 MtK will hear from God.
8 MF will find comfort from her many losses by turning to the Great Comforter.
9 Many will hear the radio program, Sila Tilindingo, ST and search for truth.
10 PD will continue to aid the missionaries with their work but will also see a personal need for Jesus
11KM will be able to continue in his studies and keep the faith.
12 GS of DKR will seek the believers he knows and begin his own journey of to faith.
13 Praises to Jesus will come from the MNK tribe today!
14 TjB of SED heart will begin to be softened and he will seek to lead his village in truth.
15 BbC will search for spiritual healing.
16 Believers and seekers will tune into the radio program, Sila Tilingdingo, ST tonight.
17 OC will start asking questions about true faith in God.
18 LD, friend’s with DD, will turn to Jesus.
19 That DD’s heart will be open to the message the team will bring this week.
20 For SD and his family as they assists the team with translation and culture.
21That the eye/medical clinic will not only successfully meet physical needs, but spiritual needs as well in the village of BB.
22 That the village of BN will be open and receptive to the stories presented by the team as they share today.
23 That the love of the medical team will cause those in Djd to seek the salvation the team speaks of.
24That the hearts of the villages “across the river” will receive the team and message gladly today.
25 For FC as he has had the chance to interact with the team this week, that he will return to Christ.
26 KaF will reflect on the love and message from the team that was brought to his village of Djd.
27 MCl and family will be encouraged today and gladly share their faith with their community.
28 NC of BB will see the truth that was presented last week by the team and make a decision for Christ.
29 MG of DKR will be blessed of God and continue to mature and grow in his faith.
30 The message of salvation will be clear through the radio program, Sila Tilingdingo, ST.
31KC will continue to heal and not have additional medical issues. Pray that her faith will persevere.