November 2013
1 Praise God for answered prayers, the volunteers arrived safely, stayed healthy, and had good village visits.
2 Praise God for sending volunteers to help break down stereotypes of Christians.
3 Rest and good health for SD and his family as some are getting over malaria and the car accident.
4 FtC a new believer who is experiencing severe persecution will be strengthened
5 CD, host in MY, will desire to know more about Christ.
6 JK, the local radio manager will recall the lessons from ST and want to know more.
7 FaD, and ESL student from Zig, will remember the Truths that were shared from God’s Word.
8 DS, a believer in DK will seek a body of Christ to worship with and have fellowship.
9 Josh and Trisha to have “ears” for the MNK language
10 FdC, to have wisdom as he seeks education and in helping fellow believers in need.
11 HK, head of clinic at MS will have opportunities to hear about God’s plan for her life.
12 CF SN, head of a neighborhood in MS, will have dreams revealing Christ as Lord.
13 A hunger for the Word throughout the Casamance.
14 AB from Sim who had cataract surgery, will believe that Christ died for his sin.
15 The elders from Sim will seek to have a time to learn about the prophets.
16 KC, a believer, to help her children know the love of Christ.
17 PJ and her children will have a good day of worship, fellowship and be encouraged
18 The people of Bam will be restless until they allow God’s Word to be taught in their village.
19 SS who has made a profession of faith will connect with a solid group of believers in the capital.
20 MD the religious leader of SED will see the discrepancies in the book that he studies and search for Truth.
21 SC, our neighbor and helper, will realize good works do not take away our sins.
22 ZJ and the people of BIS across the river to want to know more about God.
23 FD will ponder the truths that she learned in her ESL class.
24 IS, to have opportunities to share Christ with the boys that he coaches in soccer(“football”).
25 Praise God that the full Bible has been translated and printed in MNK!
26 Praise God that the New Testament is available online in written and audio form in MNK.
27 Praise God for MNK believers and seekers and pray for multiplication!
28 It is good to give thanks to the LORD, to sing praises to your name, O Most High (Psalm 92:1)
29 Praise God for teammates who bring a fresh perspective and energy to the team.
30 Praise God who does not wish that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)