January 2014
1 He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD (Psalm 40:3, ESV).
2 Our neighbors will remember the words they heard through the audio NT and from SD on Christmas Eve.
3 Language skills as the Dickinsons build relationships in their neighborhood.
4 The Holy Spirit will guide the MNK team’s vision and passion through the year.
5 Rest and refreshment for SD and his wife, MJ, they have been helping many teams.
6 The women in the group at MY, to listen to the truths from scripture and will choose to follow.
7 CD, the men’s host, in MY, to desire to know more about God and His plan for man.
8 The radio broadcast, ST, will play clearly, without interruption, and will have many listeners.
9 LS, from Djd, will remember the kindness from earlier teams and seek to know more about Christ.
10 Ndj, chief of Djd will be a person of peace in his village.
11 YD, a young man who has slid, will repent and fully give his heart to Christ.
12 IS and his family will continue to grow in faith and love for the Lord.
13 KC as she and her two sons deal with daily struggles in her compound.
14 FtC, will be strengthened and will be a witness to her persecutors.
15 The Chronological Bible Stories broadcast through ST on the local radio will find open hearts!
16 AlM, SD’s adopted son, as he begins a new school year to continue to grow wisdom and in faith.
17 AdM, DD’s friend, has had many questions recently; pray he will believe the truth.
18 Travel mercies for HS Team 1 as they get into Dakar and head down to SED.
19 FdC and his family, as he ministers to other believers who are experiencing persecutions.
20 Holy Spirit will reveal people of peace who attend the clinics in MK.
21 People of MK will see Christ in the volunteer team and want to follow.
22 Holy Spirit will open hearts and minds of the people in and around BB.
23 Holy Spirit will reveal people of peace who attend the clinics in DjT.
24 The people who received care at the clinics will reflect on the Good News that was shared.
25 Travel mercies for HS Team 1 and Team 2
26 Opportunities for MNK believers to gather for worship and fellowship.
27 HS Team 2 as they spend time in discipleship training with MNK believers.
28 Holy Spirit to guide Team 2 as they follow up from last week’s clinics.
29 Physical and Spiritual endurance as Team 2 seeks people of peace.
30 Seekers will respond to the Gospel message and step out in faith.
31 Holy Spirit will send dreams revealing Christ as Lord and Savior to these Seekers.