February 2014
1 Praise the Lord for answered pray, sending dreams and visions, and opening hearts of the MNK.
2 YT, head of his compound in S, who made a profession of faith to remain faithful.
3 TJ, YT’s sister, who made a profession of faith, will grow in knowledge and faith in Christ.
4 SlD, YT’s sister-in-law, made a profession of faith, will remain faithful and joyful in the Lord.
5 The Chronological Bible Stories will be heard clearly by many through the ST broadcast.
6 KJ, YT’s brother’s wife, who made a profession of faith, will grow in her love for Christ.
7 VT, who made a profession of faith during the cataract clinics, affirmed his decision for Christ.
8 The neighbors of these new believers will see the peace in them that is from Christ.
9 SD & family to be encouraged by events of these two weeks and their fellowship with the team.
10 KaF, chief of DjT, who listened intently to the Proclaimer, will believe the Word of God.
11 Sk and other women from DjT, will realize their need for a savior.
12 Workers at the radio station will listen to the ST program and be changed.
13 FF, a mature woman in BN, to trust Jesus as her Savior and Lord.
14 LC, young man in BN, who listened and participated in a storying group will continue to seek the Truth.
15 Spiritual and physical healing for YD, who has struggling in his walk.
16 Praise God for IS’s boldness in presenting the Gospel to the MNK. Pray for fertile soil.
17 MK, who attended some teaching sessions with the team last month, will trust in the Lord for salvation.
18 DD will overcome his fear of family and culture and place his faith in Christ.
19 Pray against distractions in compounds as many listen to the ST tonight.
20 The Holy Spirit will send dreams and visions to MS revealing Christ as Lord and Savior.
21 FC to realize that Christ is the ONLY way to receive eternal life in heaven.
22 DS, a professed believer in Dakar, will spend time in the Word and prayer to grow in his faith.
23 MCl and her husband as they minister in their home, work, and community. 24 SC, who cooked for the teams to realize good works, will not take away her sins. 25 IF & AK, a tailor and his wife, will realize they are following a path that leads to death. 26 Contacts will be made through the radio program, ST. 27 FdC, a believer, will continue to be faithful and aide those going through persecution. 28 MNK believers who are undergoing persecution to be strengthened and encouraged.