March 2014
1 The compounds where the Proclaimers were left that many will listen carefully to the Word.
2 The new believers/seekers that they will desire to gather for corporate worship.
3 PJ, believer in Gambia, will be able to keep her children and be a witness to her neighbors.
4 BbC, who helps us with the clinics will see the failures of Is and turn to Christ.
5 The workers at the radio station that they will listen to the teaching and seek to know more.
6 Ndj, chief of Ddj, who had cataract surgery, will want to know more about the hope of the volunteers.
7 LS, Ddj’s community pres. will be open to the Gospel.
8 ANb, young woman in DK, will have opportunities to study God’s Word.
9 SD and his family as people are constantly watching because of their faith. (Lots of pressure)
10 CD, male host in MY, will have dreams that reveal Jesus as Lord and Savior.
11 The ladies in MY, who listen to the stories from God’s Word, that their hearts will be softened to the truth.
12 The radio station will reach far into the bush with the ST broadcast tonight.
13 YT, in S, to listen to the Proclaimer, and believe that Jesus is the only Way.
14 SlD, in S, will know that good works do not make the way to heaven.
15 DS, believer in Dakar, will seek opportunities for corporate worship.
16 Good health for Pastor MS and his family as they minister in Gambia.
17 VT from ID, will be strengthened as he listens to the Word through the Proclaimer.
18 BnC, language helper, will be an affective teacher for the Dickinsons.
19 Many will realize their need to repent of their sins after listening to ST radio broadcast.
20 MM, MK chief’s son, will believe that the Bible is true.
21 YM, chief of MK, will realize he is a sinner in need of a savior.
22 Fad, ESL student in DK, will seek to know more about God and His Word.
23 MG, a believer in DK, will remain strong and daily share Christ with his family and neighbors.
24 MS, MyS & JS’s dad, will fear the Lord more than culture and peer pressure.
25 FdC, believer in Gambia, as he ministers to those under persecution.
26 Many to respond to the Gospel message through the ST broadcast.
27 KC to choose to make her decision for Christ public through baptism.
28 IF & AK, will know that charms and Is lead to destruction and turn to Christ.
29 The Holy Spirit will convict YD of his trespasses and he will repent.