May 2014
1 KaF, chief of DjT, will continue to listen to God’s Word and believe that Jesus died for his sins.
2 SC, who makes delicious meals at our home, to realize that her “good” works, will not bring salvation.
3 Physical healing of YD’s eyes and spiritual healing as he battles family and cultural pressures.
4 MNK and MNK speaking believers to worship our Lord in spirit and truth.
5 MS, MyS & JS’s dad, will be convicted of his sin and realize his need for a savior.
6 MD, spiritual leader of SED, will study God’s Word and realize that he is on the path that leads to destruction
7 Many will believe the Truth through listening to the Sila Tilindingo broadcast.
8 PJ, a believer in Gambia, will be able to have full custody of her children.
9 FtJ & FtC young women who have made professions under difficult circumstances will remain faithful.
10 FaD, ESL student from Zig, will seek to know more of the Good News.
11 SD and his family as they share their lives with their neighbors here in Sed.
12 ThJ, who lives with SD’s family has been chosen to meet the president. Pray for her trip.
13 AdM is working with Josh with language. Pray that his heart will be open as he works with Josh.
14 Many will believe as they hear the words of Christ through the ST broadcast.
15 VT from ID who has a proclaimer, that he will listen and encourage others to listen to God’s Word also.
16 YT from S to also listen and share the proclaimer. Pray that he will clearly understand that salvation is in Christ alone.
17 KM, who has studied God’s Word in Gambia, is now living in a neighboring town, will be faithful.
18 Pastor MS, in The Gambia and his family to continue to be a witnessing presence in their area.
19 SN from BT a newer village for us, pray for physical and spiritual vision for SN.
20 DD, who had heard the Gospel many times, will believe in his heart that it is the Truth.
21 Staff at the radio station to listen to the ST and be convicted of their sin.
22 MjD from MY will reflect on the Ten Commandments that we studied and realize her need for a savior.
23 The Holy Spirit will open the heart of YS, from MY, as we study God’s Word.
24 IC in Dakar will desire to know more about the Good News.
25 IS and his family and that God will meet his ministry needs.
26KC a believer will continue to hide God’s Word in her heart and grow in her faith.
27 SS a young man who made a profession of faith will find fellow believers at the university he attends.
28 The ST is in the New Testament now. Pray that many will long to know more about Christ.
29 SB, a neighbor, will see fallacies in Is and seek to know more of the Righteous Way.
30 LS, from Djd, will realize the road he is on leads to destruction and repent.
31 Outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout West Africa.