October 2014
1 ST broadcast will reach many villages with the story of God delivering His people from slavery.
2 MNK will understand in Psalm 40:6... Burnt offering and sin offering you have not required.
3 Abraham said, "God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering, my son." So they went both of them together (Gen 22:8, ESV).
4 MNK will begin to understand that Christ shed his blood for the forgivenessof sin.
5 MNK believers will worship Him in spirit and in truth.
6 Safe travels as many MNK begin to return home after their holiday.
7 Ndj, the chief at Djd, will seek to know more about Christ.
8 Through the radio broadcast, ST, many will know more of the attributes of God.
9 AdM, will learn more of scripture as he and Josh study the Word to help Josh learn MNK language.
10 SBa, who helps Trisha, will see Christ through Trisha and the family.
11FD & FaD, ESL students who showed interest in the Word during classes.
12 SD and his family as the new school year begins, that the children will be well prepared.
13 SkD, the religious leader in DjT, will listen to the Word through the proclaimer and believe.
14 The group in DjT will realize they are sinners in need of a Savior, Jesus Christ.
15 Many hear how God shepherded Israel through Moses through the broadcast of ST.
16 VT will listen and share the Word through the Proclaimer with his family and neighbors.
17 YT will continue to listen to the Word and truly be changed.
18 KM will continue to be discipled and grow in his faith.
19 IS will continue faithfully sharing the Gospel and that he will see fruit added to the Kingdom.
20 MS, MyS & JS’s dad, will begin to doubt the teaching that he grew up with and seek the Truth.
21 KC, a believer will grow in faith and perseverance as she studies Acts.
22 The manager, PF, to listen closely to the lessons of the ST radio broadcast.
23 YM, chief of MK, that the Holy Spirit will soften his heart and convict him of sin.
24 ADr, religious leader of MK, to realize that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
25 DS, a believer in Dakar, that he will be reunited with his family and share his faith.
26 Leadership/discipleshi p opportunities to strengthen believers and encourage evangelism.
27 Believers in The Gambia will be strengthened as they persevere through difficult circumstances.
28 NC, host in BN, will hunger and thirst for the Word of God.
29 Many will listen to the broadcast of ST and know that God hears our prayers as He heard Hannah’s.
30 SbK, chief of BG will be a person of peace not a gate keeper to God’s Word.
31 The Holy Spirit will open the heart of SjD, host in BG to the Word.