December 2014
1Isa 7:14 ...Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
2 The Holy Spirit will guide the MNK team in its vision to reach the MNK for Christ.
3 That many will be listening to hear God’s Word through the ST broadcast.
4 IF and AK will turn to Christ not “worldly” pursuits for security.
5 MK, a professed believer will make a clear stand for Christ.
6 FD & Fad, former ESL students, will seek God with all of their heart.
7 MNK believers to be in awe of the baby called “Immanuel”.
8 SbK, chief in BG for good health and the opportunity to begin work in this village.
9 Elders in BG to be open to the message of redemption.
10 Hearts will be changed through the ST radio broadcast
11 SB, a neighbor who expressed anxiety with her financial situation will seek God first with her heart.
12 SC, who works for the Kelly’s, will understand that “good works” are nothing before a Holy God.
13 ANb, will realize she is a sinner in need of a savior and turn to Christ.
14 SD and his family as they share the Joy of Christmas with their friends and neighbors.
15 The listening group at DjT will be changed by Word they hear
through the Proclaimer.
16 MnD will continue to listen to scripture and seek God’s Truth.
17PF, radio staff, will listen to the ST broadcast and desire to know more of God’s Word.
18Believers in Gambia to persevere and be a light in their community as we approach Christmas Day.
19 KC, a believer, will continue in discipleship and will take the step of baptism.
20 DS, a believer in DK, will share the Gospel with his wife and children.
21 MNK believers will boldly proclaim the Good News to their families and neighbors.
22 FF, from BN, who listens and participates in Bible stories, will believe that Jesus is the Christ.
23 AdN, from BN, will have dreams that reveal Jesus as Lord and Savior.
24 Mat 2:6 "'And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for from you shall come a ruler who will shepherd my people Israel.'"
25Joh 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us...
26 MS, MyS & JS’s dad, will turn from Is and give his heart to Christ.
27 MG, a believer in DK, will be a light to his wife, sons, and neighbors.
28IS will see kingdom fruit in the ministry and that he will seek God first in all that he does.
29HC, from Sim, will be willing to host a listening group for ladies.
30 FC, will repent and give his heart to Christ.