January 2015
1 Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! His right hand and his holy arm have worked salvation for him (Psalm 98:1, ESV).
2 Workers and MNK believers will yield completel y to the will of our Lord in all that we are, say, and do.
3 This will be the year that the MNK turn from Is and give their hearts to Christ.
4 Encouragement for MNK believers as they often feel alone in their faith.
5 Josh and Trisha to be able to share the Gospel with language helpers in word and deed.
6 PD, a neighbor, will realize the teachings from his past are false and will seek Truth.
7 Many will learn about the attributes of Christ through the radio broadcast, Sila Tilindingo, ST.
8 VF, a MNK literacy teacher will spend time reading the Bible in his heart language.
9 SB, who recently received a Bible, will search the scriptures to know God.
10 KM, a professed believer, will spend time in the Word and strive to be obedient.
11SD and his family as they return from visiting family for Christmas.
12 VT from ID will stand firm on his decision to follow Christ.
13 YT, from S will realize that Christ is the only way for the forgiveness of sin.
14 Radio station staff will know that Jesus is more than a prophet through the ST broadcast.
15 Holy Spirit will draw TD, young man from DjT, who is listening to the Word and asking many questions.
16 KaF, chief of DjT, will realize there is nothing he can do to earn salvation.
17Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession (Psalm 2:8, ESV).
18IS and his family will have many opportunities to share the meaning of Christmas with friends and neighbors.
19The translation program to translate the Bible into Arabic script to work smoothly.
20 Discipleship/lea dership training opportunities for the believers.
21Open hearts as the ST lessons are broadcasted on the radio tonight.
22NC, our host in BN, will have dreams revealing Christ as Lord and Savior.
23The children who listen to God’s Word in BN that they will realize it is the Truth and
24SS, a student now in Dakar, will have more opportunitie s to study the Word.
25Boldness for MNK believers to share their faith in word and deed.
26... "This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent. (John 6:29, ESV)"
27BkD, host in BB, will recall the scripture he has heard and realize he is in need of salvation.
28 Against distractions as the radio broadcast of ST is heard in many compounds.
29Elders of BG will be open to allowing us to come and teach the Gospel in their village.
30The ladies in MY will be hungry for the Word and seek God with their hearts.
31 Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving (Colossians 4:2, ESV)