February 2015
1 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn to the LORD, and all the families of the nations shall worship before you (Psalm 22:27, ESV).
2 Brothers and Sisters in Christ who have been affected by recent protests.
3 Praise God for the progress that has been made in the fight against Ebola.
4 Many will be transformed by the words of Christ heard through the broadcast of the Sila Tilindingo, ST.
5 Our team will see the villages in our area with new eyes and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
6 The Holy Spirit will diminish the power of Satan in our area and prepare hearts to receive the Gospel.
7 YD that he will repent and turn his life completely to Christ.
8 Encouragement for SD as he continues to be a witness in his community.
9 MJJ, SD’s wife, as she deals with issues relating to diabetes.
10 KC a believer to continue to hide God’s Word in her heart and be a light to her family.
11 PF, the radio manager to be changed by the words her hears through the ST broadcast.
12 The group meeting in DjT, that they will seek God’s Truth and follow.
13 TD, a young man in the DjT group who is very inquisitive, will trust in Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
14 By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35, ESV)
15 Is and his family as they minister. Pray for their children to be grounded in the Word.
16 The ladies at BN will realize their need for salvation as we study the Patriarchs.
17 The Holy Spirit will open NC, our host’s heart to believe that Jesus in the only way to salvation.
18 The ST broadcast will be heard in many villages and compounds in and around SED.
19 The elders in BJ will seek to know more of the Good News of Jesus Christ.
20 The people of MY will seek to begin a Bible study group.
21 A former IS teacher in Dakar that became a believer will continue to grow in his faith.
22 MNK believers to have a heart for evangelism and spread the Gospel throughout West Africa.
23 The task of translating the Bible into Arabic script which many MNK old and young can read.
24 MS, MyS & JS’s dad that he will read God’s Word and trust in Jesus as his Lord and Savior.
25 Many will respond to the teaching of the Sila Tilindingo broadcast.
26 SbK, chief of BG, for health and the desire to know more of the attributes of God.
27 SBa, will continue to learn truths from God’s Word as she converses with Trisha.
28 ... to open their eyes, so that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins and a place among those who are sanctified by faith in me.' (Acts 26:18, ESV)