July 2015
1 Many will turn to Christ as they hear lessons from the Scripture through the radio broadcast Sila Tilindingo, ST.
2 Then Jehoshaphat was afraid and set his face to seek the LORD, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah (2 Chronicles 20:3, ESV).
3 The MNK will truly seek the Lord as they continue in their fast.
4 We as a nation and the MNK as a people, will humble ourselves, as it is stated in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
5 Believers to have opportunities to witness to their neighbors in word and deed during Ramadan.
6 IF and AK to place their trust in God alone, not religion, social status, or cultural beliefs.
7 MD, chief teacher in SED, will have dreams and visions that reveal Jesus as Lord and Savior.
8 Many to respond to the lessons during the time of Moses as they listen to the ST broadcast.
9 Ndj, the chief of Djd, will remember the kindness that he received in the name of Jesus (cataract sx).
10 LS from Djd, will realize that he cannot do enough works to be “right” with God.
11 IC, a seeker in Dakar will not be afraid to men and truly fear God.
12 SD, and his family as they continue to witness to their neighbors during Ramadan.
13 CD host from MY, will realize that he is serving Satan, and repent.
14 MjD from MY, will seek God with her heart and turn from tradition and Is.
15 Many will hear the ST radio broadcast and know that is true.
16 EK, a rel teacher, will realize that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
17 Holy Spirit will help NC, our host in BN, to understand the Bible stories that we share in her compound.
18 MNK who have traveled to foreign areas will have “divine” appointments that point them to Christ.
19 MNK believers will seek to worship God in spirit and truth.
20 As our neighbors end Ramadan may they know they have an emptiness that “works” will never fill.
21 Al, a young boy in BN with skin diseases will continue to heal.
22 ST broadcast will reach distant villages with the Good News.
23" Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand (Matthew 3:2, ESV)."
24 The Holy Spirit will convict MS, MyS & JS’s dad of his sin and need of a savior.
25 DS, a believer in Dakar that he will seek to grow in his faith in Christ.
26 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the LORD, our Maker! (Psalm 95:6, ESV)
27 The men in the DjT group will choose to believe that Jesus is the Way and follow Him.
28 Open hearts in a new group in MW that was started this past month.
29 God’s Word will not return void as the Word is shared through the ST broadcast tonight.
30 KC will be a light to her family through her words and deeds.
31 Good rainy season that that will produce an abundant crop.