May 2015
1 And he believed the LORD, and he counted it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:6, ESV)
2 The MNK will truly place their faith in God and not on the approval of men.
3 MNK believers will seek God with all of their hearts as they worship on this Lord’s Day.
4 BD, a nurse from DS, who has shown interest in the Word, will seek to know more.
5 KD, DD’s uncle, from DS will realize his “power” is nothing compared to the Creator and yield to Him.
6 Open hearts as many listen to the ST, Sila Tilindingo broadcast tonight on the radio.
7 EK a religious teacher at BN who listens to the ST and is seeking to know more about Jesus.
8 Al, a young boy with multiple skin diseases for physical healing and for an opportunity to share with his family.
9 MNK who are living in areas away from their families will have opportunitie s to meet believers.
10 SD and his family will be bold witnesses in their neighborhood .
11 MnD in DjT who listens and interacts during Bible teaching, will understand that Jesus paid it all.
12 TD from DjT will realize that God is righteous and holy as well as merciful and full of grace.
13 Many will listen to the lessons on Abraham’s walk with God through the ST broadcast and believe.
14 YM and the people of MK will hunger for the Word of God.
15 FB our host in BB will realize she has an emptiness that things of this world will not satisfy.
16 DS will be able to be reunited with his family and share Christ with them.
17 Holy Spirit will guide IS in discipling believers and walk along beside them like Paul and Timothy.
18 MS, dad of MyS & JS, will choose to read and study God’s Word and believe it is the truth.
19 AJ, the mayor of SED, will have opportunitie s to interact with believers.
20 Many will hear the Word through the ST broadcast tonight and make a commitmen t to follow Christ.
21 Holy Spirit will strengthe n KC’s faith and that she will choose to be baptized to be obedient.
22 Encouragement for MNK believers in The Gambia and Guinea Bissau.
23 AnJ, a MNK believer will seek fellowship and cooperate worship opportunitie s to grow in his faith.
24 MNK leaders to have a passion to reach their people with the Gospel.
25 Plans for leadership/discipleshi p training locally for West African believers.
26 Holy Spirit will open hearts of the people in BJ to hear and understand, and accept the Gospel.
27 Many will respond to the ST radio broadcast tonight.
28 AdM, will fear God more than he fears peer pressure from society.
29 DD will see that he needs to search for truth to lead his family instead of looking back to ancestors.
30 YD will seek out believers to have fellowship and seek to follow Christ with all of his heart.
31 All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. (Psalm 86:9, ESV)