1 Sila Tilindingo radio broadcast would not be disrupted despite the many power outages during the rainy season.
2 For MNK believers who are “foolish” in the eyes of their families and peers to remember their calling.
3 Workers among the MNK to remember their call during the dry times of their ministry.
4 MNK men and women to measure themselves by God’s standard’s not man’s.
5 MNK Pastor SD and his family who are seeking to encourage MNK believers in The Gambia, Senegal, and Guinea Bissau.
6 Travel mercies and good health for SD and family.
7 All of our work and plans will be under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
8 Many will hear God’s Word on the radio broadcast and seek to know Him.
9 Ask God to prepare the hearts of the MNK believers for the upcoming MNK gathering.
10 Ask God to prepare mature West African believers to be willing to come and teach at this gathering.
11 The Lord will raise up leaders for the future MNK church.
12 MNK believers to desire to gather together to worship God in spirit and in truth.
13 Seeker DD who has heard the Gospel many times to accept it by faith.
14 The village “BN” chief K, to become dissatisfied with Is.
15 The radio manager to listen and be changed by God’s Word through the Sila Tilindingo.
16 MNK men & women who hear the Good News will understand that it is the only way to Salvation.
17 God would prepare the heart of DtD to hear the good news
18 Seeker BC to study and desire to know God as deliverer.
19 Effective and reproducible discipleship materials to be produced in the MNK language.
20 As Kimberly reads scripture to MNK in Sedhiou; many will cherish Christ as more than a prophet.
21 FC, a believer, to be challenged as he listens to MNK scripture tapes
22 Open hearts of those listening to the Sila Tilindingo to receive “living water”.
23 People who come seeking scripture would diligently search for Truth
24 The people of the village “MK” to desire to hear truths from scripture.
25 MNK in America to hear the gospel and carry the message back to their people
Aug. 26 God to send out more of His children to share the hope of Jesus with the MNK
Aug. 27 MK to be a faithful witness to his friend, IF
Aug. 28 As OS works to please a “distant” god, the true God will reveal Himself
Aug. 29 Those who listen to Sila Tilindingo would hear and believe the message of hope
Aug. 30 MNK women would understand that faith in Jesus brings freedom from fear
Aug. 31 MNK will not place their hope in the “war horse” of Is., but in the Living God

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