August 2014

1 The Lord will give the MNK a heart to know that He is the LORD as he says in Jeremiah 24:7.
2 YD, who regressed, but has now expressed repentance, will grow in faith of our Lord and Savior.
3 MNK believers will gather corporately and worship in spirit and truth.
4 FS, assist to the mayor of MS, will read the Word that he has been given and seek to know more of Him.
5 ALN, mayor and our host at MS, will realize that his “power” is useless and turn to the Creator.
6 Many will learn more of the attributes of God through the radio broadcast ST, Sila Tilindingo.
7 KD, from DS, who is aging, will examine his beliefs and realize he needs to repent and seek the straight road.
8 DD will count the cost and make a decision for Christ.
9 FaD, an ESL student from Zig will who heard God’s Word, will find other believers to learn more of the Truth.
10 SD and his family as they work the land this rainy season to help provide for their needs.
11 The Holy Spirit will convict MS, MYS & JS’s father, of his sin and lead him to repentance.
12 SnS, MS’s wife and a believer, for health and endurance to continue to be a witnessing presence in her family
13 Many will begin to understand the plan of God as they listen to the radio broadcast of ST.
14 SkD, the religious leader of DjT, will desire to search the scriptures for Truth.
15 The MNK from DjT who are listening to the Word to believe and step out in faith.
16 DS, a MNK in DK, to seek fellowship with other believers and strengthen his faith.
17 Holy Spirit will guide MNK believers as they study the Word to guide their lives.
18 MtK, a woman in our neighborhood will see that God’s Word is relevant to her daily life.
19 BnC, a language helper, will see the love of Christ through working with Joshua and Trisha.
20 Many will understand the righteousness of God through the ST lessons on Noah and the flood
21 PJ and her children will endure and be encouraged in their faith.
22 FtJ & FtC to find refuge in Christ and remain faithful in difficult circumstances.
23 KM, a believer who is in DK will continue in discipleship and boldly share the Good News.
24 IS and his family to find open hearts as they minister to the MNK in their area.
25 YT from S to know that he cannot add Jesus to his other beliefs like a charm.
26 KC will understand the scriptures and choose to be obedient and be baptized.
27 MNK with fertile hearts will listen to the review and the beginning of the lessons of Abraham on the ST.
28 AnD, from BN, will desire to know more of Jesus and the forgiveness of sin.
29 MjD, from MY will be hungry for the Word of God and believe in Jesus for salvation.
30 IC, a MNK in DK who has shown interest, will continue to seek and step out in faith.

31 MNK believers will meditate on 1John 1:7 and walk in the light.

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